8 Eating Disorder Recovery Podcasts to Help You Heal

Podcasts can be a great tool for your eating disorder recovery toolkit. Sometimes you just need to hear a wise and understanding voice to calm down that harsh internal critic. The following podcasts are hosted by dietitians, therapists, and coaches with lots of experience navigating the ups and downs of recovery.

You will likely discover some helpful tips and insights. Hearing relevant topics being explored with curiosity and hope can help you no matter what stage of healing you are in—whether it’s to supplement existing recovery strategies, avoid relapse, or explore taking the first step in your eating disorder recovery.

Below are 9 eating disorder recovery podcasts we recommend you check out.

1. The Psychology of Eating Podcast

Podcast host Marc David is founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, where he champions an uplifting, inclusive approach to food and body.

Episodes to check out:


2. Life After Diets

The podcast Life After Diets is hosted by Sarah Dosanjh and Stefanie Michele, a psychotherapist and a health coach. In it, they discuss disordered eating topics such as bad body image and creating a life that’s free from food and body obsession. They draw on their own eating struggles and openly share the highs and lows of pursuing food freedom over weight loss.

Episodes to check out:


3. The Body Image Podcast

In The Body Image Podcast, registered dietitian and certified intuitive eating counselor Corinne Dobbas explores the many layers that go into making peace with our bodies. She bring on guests to help unpack these layers while discussing what positive body image means and looks like in real life.

Episodes to check out:


4. Understanding Disordered Eating

In this weekly podcast, therapist Rachelle Heinemann explores the deeper meaning of our relationship with food and our body. She interviews experts in the field of eating disorders and psychoanalysis to discuss why we do the things we do and bring us one step closer to a healthier relationship with food and yourself.

Episodes to check out:


5. Food Psych Podcast with Christy Harrison

Launched in 2013, the Food Psych Podcast seeks to help listeners make peace with food and break free from diet culture. Host Christy Harrison is a registered dietitian and author of a number of books, including The Wellness Trap and Anti-Diet.

Episodes to check out:


6. The Recovery Warrior Shows

Jessica Flint is the host of The Recovery Warrior Shows as well as the manager of a virtual community that connects people to eating disorder support.

Episodes to check out:


7. The Eating Disorder Trap

The Eating Disorder Trap podcast, hosted by nutrition therapist Robyn Goldberg, offers a safe space for people to hear topics that occur in the field of eating disorders. It aims clarify information pertaining to diet culture, medical conditions with eating disorders as well as weight stigma.

Episodes to check out:


8. Find Your Food Voice

Registered dietitian and food behavior expert Julie Duffy Dillon uses the Find Your Food Voice podcast to explore ditching cookie cutter approaches, exposing the lies that society feeds us, and rewriting the rules around food, eating and our bodies.

Episodes to check out:


The Binge Eating Therapist (on YouTube)

Sarah Dosanjh, co-host of the Life After Diets podcast, also has a YouTube channel. She is a former binge eater-turned-psychotherapist. Her mission is to use her YouTube channel, The Binge Eating Therapist, to share content with you that will help you to make sense of your struggle with food and break free from compulsive eating and binge eating.

Are you ready to heal your relationship with food? Having a therapist or dietitian by your side can be hugely beneficial. Reach out today for a free 15-minute intake call.